Anna Godzina

She Dreamed of a Red Corridor Where Everything Seems Transformed and the Bell Rings from Time to Time 2017

Mixed media.

1.70m x 0.88m x 0.80m

Water Stone Rope Glass Clock Elements Bells Set in Motion, Construction for An Unpredictable Sound Pattern | by Anna Godzina. Crop Detail of the Work Focused on the Water Stone Rope Sequence | by Anna Godzina.
The Underwater Stone Set Into Motion by An Electric Engine | by Anna Godzina. Detailed Picture of the Glass Movement, Wooden Construction, Engine Detail | by Anna Godzina. Important Color Addition to the Clock Engine, Rope, Fragile Connections | by Anna Godzina. Glass, Fast Moving Engine, Slow Moving engine, Light Bulb, Stop Movements | by Anna Godzina. General View, Cables as Part of the 3 Dimensional Drawing | by Anna Godzina.

Antwerp, Belgium